Many staff working for us juggle caring responsibilities, whether they be looking after children, or caring for elderly relatives or other dependents.

Some simply want to pursue other interests such as education or leisure interest whilst in our employment.

Because of this, we have developed a range of policies to help staff, including generous maternity, paternity, adoption, carer and special leave policies.

We also offer, where possible, a flexible work-life balance, such as:

  • job sharing

  • employment breaks

  • flexi-time

  • unpaid leave

  • reduced hours.

If for some unfortunate reason you also fall ill, suffer from a mental health condition or muscular skeletal ailment, we also have a range of initiatives to support staff cope and remain at work where possible.

Some of these initiatives include:

  • Early access to physiotherapy – this scheme has been introduced to help those staff who would benefit from the early intervention of physiotherapy for the appropriate ailments. The therapy is available free to all staff, and provides up to six sessions, to support them in maintaining/improving their health, and preventing a condition from deterioration.

  • Phased return to work – if unfortunately staff have had to be on long term sickness absence and are returning to work, the Trust will actively support them through an agreed and planned return to work programme.

  • Occupational health services –we provide a free and confidential occupational health service for all Trust staff. Dealing with areas such as: advice on health promotion, advice to staff and managers about potential adjustments to work to help maintain attendance at work for those with ongoing health conditions, advice on long-term sickness absence and screening for early access to physiotherapy and psychological therapy.