It is important for your treatment that you attend your scheduled appointment. If you need to cancel or change your appointment please let us know as soon as possible so that we can offer the appointment to another patient. Any missed appointments waste NHS resources and money which could be spent on other areas of patient care.

If you would like to cancel or rebook your Outpatient appointment, please use the form below.

Please note:

  • Waiting times and the 18 weeks* referral to treatment (RTT) pledge: The NHS Constitution gives you the right to access consultant led services within maximum waiting times.  You have the right to start your NHS consultant-led treatment within a maximum of 18 weeks from referral, unless you choose to wait longer or it is clinically appropriate that you wait longer. The right to start treatment within 18 weeks does not apply if you choose to wait longer by cancelling or changing an outpatient appointment, a diagnostic test or the date of an operation. *Please note: some services are currently unable to meet this criteria.
  • If an appointment is not attended, rebooked or cancelled more than once we may not be able to offer you another appointment and we may discharge you back to your referrer.
  • Please do not use this form if your appointment was booked via Choose and Book, you MUST contact Choose and Book to rearrange it, either via their website: NHS e-Referral Service or by calling 0345 608 8888.
  • Please do not use this form if you need to change an ophthalmology (eye) appointment, you MUST contact the Eye Department at Queen Mary’s Hospital to rearrange it, you can do this by calling 0208 308 3073.
  • Please do not use this form if you need to change an anticoagulant clinic appointment, please ring the anticoagulant direct line number 01322 428706 and leave a message and they will ring you back.
  • If you are cancelling your appointment and have not indicated that  you need a further appointment, we will discharge your back to your referrer.

Quick Links

Please ensure you choose the correct service to cancel. Choosing the wrong one may delay your cancellation and result in a "Did Not Attend" status.

  • If you need to change an Audiology appointment, please call 01634 825041 or send an email request to
  • If you need to change a X-ray, Ultra sound, CT, or MRI scan, please complete the form below.  
  • If you need to cancel / change a radiology appointment please complete the form below or call the appointments team on 01322 428568 / 01322 428569
  • If you need to change a Physiotherapy appointment to send an email request to or call 01322 428588
  • If you need to change an appointment in the Heart Centre for an ECG, Tilt test, 24hr monitor test or any other cardiology diagnostic tests to email or call 01322 428106
  • If you need to cancel or change your procedure date at QMH or DVH please email  

    A member of the Endoscopy Scheduling team will contact you by telephone to discuss your appointment.

    Alternatively you can complete the form below.