How it began!

The Dartford and District Nurses League was formed in August 1968 headed by the then Matron of Joyce Green Hospital, Miss E M Cousins. At that time the majority of the nurses were working within the Dartford Hospital.

Who are we now?

We are trained nurses, health visitors and midwives who are currently working or have worked in Dartford and Gravesham hospitals or in the community.

Why do we belong?

We aim to promote and maintain friendships plus supporting colleagues.

When do we meet?

We meet annually for our reunion day, usually the first Saturday in October at a local venue. The day consists of an optional multi faith church service, followed by a sit down waitress / waiter service, three course lunch. The Annual General Meeting follows the lunch. There is a raffle, a Bring and Buy stall, plus afternoon tea and time to chat to old and new friends and colleagues. Photographs past and present are on display.

Our journal

A Nurses League Journal is produced every year and available to all members. It consists of interesting articles and photographs. All members are encouraged to contribute.

What are the costs?

Annual subscription is £5. The cost of the whole day includes the lunch, journal and sundries. Journal may be purchased separately.