Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust believes that openness in the NHS is key and staff should feel supported and encouraged to speak out about any concerns in line with principle 11 of the Freedom to Speak Up Review by Sir Robert Francis (February 2015).

The Trust has appointed Freedom to Speak Up Guardian Gabriel Awadzi and Ambassadors who have a key role in helping to promote the profile of raising concerns in the organisation. They also provide confidential advice and support to staff in relation to concerns they may have about patient safety and/or the way their concern has been handled.

Freedom to Speak Up Ambassadors operate with independence and autonomy to support the values of the Trust and to promote openness and safe practice. The Freedom to Speak Up Guardian can be contacted by e-mail (gabrielawadzi@nhs.net) or the ambassadors via the details which are available on the staff intranet ADAGIO.