We are highly skilled Musculoskeletal physiotherapists with a specialist interest in chronic pain. We provide assessment, treatment and management of patients with chronic pain. We have close links with the Pain Team and provide input into the Pain Education Programme. We are based in the physiotherapy department at Darent Valley Hospital and we accept referral directly form the Pain Team.

Our Mission Statement

  1. We aim to help you manage your pain and improve your quality of life
  2. We aim to help you regain your confidence to move
  3. We aim to help you to be in control of your pain rather than your pain being in control of you

Types of Pain

Pain can be either acute (short duration) or chronic (longer duration) 

Chronic persistent pain is pain that has gone on longer than the expected rate of tissue healing, usually three months. It is a lot harder to treat and is often seen as an invisible disability and little can be done medically to improve it. We cannot cure your pain but we can provide you with some tools to help you manage and improve the quality of your life.

  1. Chronic spinal pain
  2. Fibromyalgia   
  3. Osteoarthritis       
  4. Multiple joint pains                  
  5. Myofascial pain syndrome        
  6. TMJ- temporomandibular joint or orofacial pain
  7. Complex regional pain syndrome 
  8. Post stroke shoulder pain
  9. Diabetic neuropathy - pain due to damage of the peripheral nerves and nerve endings usually affecting the hands and feet.
  10. Inflammatory arthritis 

  1. Exercise
  2. Referral to exercise classes - Pilates, Back School Rehabilitation.
  3. Manual therapy including joint mobilisation and soft tissue techniques
  4. Acupuncture 
  5. Referral to hydrotherapy
  6. Referral to Orthotics
  7. TENS use
  8. Exercises/advice after spinal injections
  9. Posture education/awareness

  1. Understanding acute versus chronic persistent pain and reasons why the pain continues.
  2. Understanding the persistent pain cycle
  3. Recognising and overcoming fear avoidance behaviour
  4. Understanding the importance of movement and exercise
  5. Graded exercises
  6. Goal setting
  7. Importance of pacing and planning
  8. Boom/Bust behaviour
  9. Sleep hygiene
  10. Stress and its impact on pain 
  11. Relaxations6 techniques
  12. Mindfulness techniques