Cancer Patients

We recognise that this is a difficult and uncertain time for everyone but particularly for patients with a cancer diagnosis and those around them. 

The ambition of the cancer services team is to deliver current and high quality services for all patients and their families affected by cancer. Cancer services aims to support you through providing holistic multi-disciplinary care starting at the point of referral, continuing throughout the cancer journey. All service developments are led by professionals and users working together with patient involvement to ensure services benefit the locality as a whole and keep the patient at the heart of any innovation.

Your Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) will be your key point of contact for any concerns you may have. They will initiate a Holistic Needs Assessment with you, enabling them to support and if necessary signpost or refer you to other multi-disciplinary members or agencies to ensure your holistic care needs are being met at this difficult time. 

We are very aware with earlier diagnosis and new innovative treatments that more people are living with and beyond cancer which is great, and we aim to provide the support and education the individual requires empowering them to self-manage with the safe knowledge of who to contact if there are any concerns.