Darent Valley Hospital (DVH) recently took delivery of 200 sapling trees, which were very kindly donated by NHS Forest.

The trees have been located in green space to the rear of the hospital site and will provide seasonal nuts and berries once fully grown.

Steve Matthews, Contract Director for Serco at DVH, said: “We are delighted to be able to support the NHS Forest programme by preparing and planting the trees on behalf of the Trust. Not only will the trees provide an attractive area for staff, patients and visitors but they will also contribute to the Trust’s carbon reduction targets and provide a habitat for birds and insects.”

The trees are a wonderful addition to enhancing the hospital environment and over the coming months, further work will take place to develop a community allotment with the planting phase scheduled to start this spring.

Once established, the community allotment will provide produce for healthy eating and health promotion schemes within the hospital and beyond.