Paediatric Musculoskeletal (MSK) Physiotherapy Service

Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions affect people of all ages and relate to symptoms/issues arising from bones, joints, muscles or associated tissues, such as your nerves. Symptoms may include pain, stiffness, limited movement and disability, which can affect a person’s quality of life and ability to participate in various activities.

Although children and young people can experience similar injuries/ complaints to adults, there are also a number of conditions that exclusively affect children. These are typically related to growth, and will often resolve over time as the musculoskeletal system develops and adapts to the changes.

Our Paediatric physiotherapists have specialist knowledge about normal childhood growth and development that they apply as part of their assessment to help establish the source of the symptoms. Often advice and treatment can help reduce symptoms, improve participation/ function, or help speed up resolution of the condition.

The team offer before and after school appointments, meaning you can fit the appointments around your child’s needs without disrupting their education.


We accept referrals for children aged between 18 months and 18 years who are registered with a GP within our region. We accept referrals for a wide range of MSK conditions/ complaints including:

  1. Growth-related conditions, such as Osgood Schlatters, Sever’s 
  2. Bone or soft tissue injuries (e.g. fracture or ligament sprains)
  3. Gait abnormalities, e.g.In-toeing, Toe-walking
  4. Acute and chronic pain, including biomechanical conditions such as knee pain or back pain, or complex pain presentations such as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
  5. Rheumatological conditions, such as Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)
  6. For post-operative/ post-intervention rehabilitation

Referrals are accepted from:

  1. GP’s
  2. Consultants
  3. Other Healthcare professionals

Please note we do not accept Self-referral for children/ young people under 16 years of age.

We also do not accept referrals for:

  1. Children under the age of 18 months
  2. Complaints involving Developmental Delay
  3. Children with a long term neurological disorder
  4. Children requiring community involvement (e.g. home or school visits)

Referrals that fall under our service exclusions should be sent to the specialist community-based Paediatric Physiotherapist team, employed by Kent Community Health NHS Trust.

Re-directed referrals:

Your GP may have referred your child to a Paediatrician, or a Paediatric Orthopaedic Consultant, however, the referral may have been re-directed to be seen by a specialist physiotherapist instead. This is because many childhood conditions do not require imaging or surgical treatment, therefore a Paediatric physiotherapist is often best placed to carry out an assessment, and provide advice and/or treatment.

We have close links with Paediatric Consultants working at the hospital, therefore direct onwards referral is possible if the physiotherapist feels their input is required.

Where to find us

We are located within the Physiotherapy Outpatient department within the main hospital building at Darent Valley (please note, we are not based within the Children’s Resource Centre).

What to expect  

The physiotherapist will complete an initial assessment with you and your child. Firstly, they will ask questions about the presenting problem, your child’s birth/ development history, medical conditions, medications, their family medical history and hobbies/ interests. There will then be a physical examination which will vary depending on the presenting problem and the concerns/ issues that have been discussed. This typically includes assessment of particular joints and muscles, observation of your child walking, running and carrying out different tasks such as jumping, balancing and squatting. It’s useful for your child to bring a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to change into before the assessment.

After the initial assessment, the physiotherapist will talk about the source of the symptoms/ problem, discuss advice, and agree a treatment plan where necessary. Treatment plans often involve education and home exercises. They may include other interventions such as 1:1 sessions within our gym, or exercises in water (hydrotherapy). In some cases, the physiotherapist may reassure you that the assessment findings link to normal physiological development, indicating that no treatment is required.

Our overall aim is to support your child in achieving their own functional goals.  

How to contact the Paediatric MSK Physiotherapy Team

Tel: 01322 428588


If you’re unable to get through to one of our receptionists please do leave a message on our answerphone or send us an email and one of the team will answer your query.