Today is the third National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Day! We are proud to be sharing our support for this incredible workforce.

CNS Day on the 15th March shines a light on the wonderful work of cancer clinical nurse specialists (CNS) helping to support patients far and wide.

Years of evaluating the role has firmly established the CNS as an essential member of the multidisciplinary team in enhancing cancer care. CNSs use their expertise to assess, diagnose and treat people living with cancer and their role extends to other areas such as education and research

Responsibilities include holistic support, specialist advice, symptom control and signposting to other services.

CNS support can ensure people have continuity of care during their cancer journey as CNSs are usually the first point of contact when a patient requires any support and they continue to be involved in their care for many years.

Today is the third #NationalCancerCNSDay! We are proud to be sharing our support for this incredible workforce.

To celebrate, Clinical Nurse Specialists at Darent Valley Hospital have held an information stand and visited wards with tea trolleys filled with goodies. We have also been taking to social media to celebrate the amazing work our Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialists do every day and hear why some of the team wanted to pursue this career.